Customizable in various models depending on the application, the most complete version is called NEMO PLUS:
compact, ergonomic and unbreakable remote control, specific for the nautical sector, to operate the gangways of all brands and models.
From September it may be equipped with RADIUS technology, which delimits the range of action to an area of high visibility during handling activities.
Body and screen printing are blue with integrated START & STOP safety functions, it is waterproof, floats and the SMART version also transmits in 2.4GHz and Bluetooth.
The products of the CLASSIC line are valid only in places where radio frequencies are allowed (868 and / or 433 and / or 915 MHz).
For boats for INTERNATIONAL use it is recommended to use a SMARTLINE radio-controlled system that transmits at 2.4 GHz (NEMO SMART).
THE PRICE VARY ACCORDING TO THE APPLICATION, for info and discounts contact