The WXT520 Weather Transmitter measures barometric pressure, humidity, precipitation, temperature, and wind speed and direction. To measure wind speed and direction, the WXT520 has the Vaisala WINDCAP Sensor that uses ultrasound to determine horizontal wind speed and direction. The array of three equally spaced transducers on a horizontal plane is a Vaisala specific design. Barometric pressure, temperature, and humidity measurements are combined in the PTU module using capacitive measurement for each parameter.
The WXT520 precipitation measurement is based on the unique Vaisala RAINCAP Sensor, which detects the impact of individual rain drops. The signals exerting from the impacts are proportional to the volume of the drops. Hence, the signal from each drop can be converted directly to the accumulated rainfall. The WXT520 measures accumulated rainfall, rain intensity and duration of the rain – all in real time. The Vaisala RAINCAP Sensor is the only maintenance-free precipitation sensor on the market.