Best way to set your asymetrical spinnaker easily on your boat, thanks to the ATN Tacker, the tack is at the right spot !
Easy to use, it goes around the furled headsail, and you attach on it the tack point of the sail.
The ATN tacker is composed of a plastic part (polyethylene unbreakable) and a strap with a shackle on one side and a snap hook on the other. The plastic part will slide on the furled headsail, the snap hook enables to open the strap and place the tacker around the headsail. It is fixed on the shackle, and this shackle on the tack point of the spinnaker.
The downhaul (rope to manage the height of the tack point from the bottom) is also fixed in the shackle, this enables to release easily the tack point of the spinnaker to lower it, and to manage the height of this one (reaching : low position, down wind : upper position)