Now with an Integrated 66 Channel GPS receiver and two integrated AIS receivers getting connected has never been easier. Having a VHF with DSC and integrated AIS/GPS provides REAL piece of mind in high traffic areas.
Integrated 66 Channel WAAS GPS antenna
Integrated dual channel AIS (Automatic Identification System) receiver
AIS / AIS SART target display: MMSI, Call Sign, Ship Name, BRG, DST, SOG and COG
4800 or 38400 NMEA baud rate selection, for plotters with 1 NMEA port
True and Magnetic bearing selection on AIS display
Contact Class A or B AIS Ship with DSC
Programmable CPA or TCPA collision avoidance alarms
Meets ITU-R M493-13 Class D DSC (Digital Selective Calling)
Submersible IPX7 (3.3 feet or 1 meter for 30 minutes) front panel
80dB Commercial grade receiver
DSC position request and report functions
30 Watt PA/Loud Hailer with preprogrammed fog signals and listen back
ClearVoice noise canceling speaker microphone with channel selection and 16/9 key
GPS Compass, Waypoint and GPS status pages
Navigation (LAT/LON, Time, SOG and COG) information shown on display
Enter, Save and Navigate to waypoints with Compass page
E2O (Easy-To-Operate) menu system
User customizable soft keys for easy menu operation
Versatile user-programmable scanning, priority scan and Dual Watch
Oversized rotary channel knob with push to enter, backlit display and keys
Local/Distance attenuator
Optional connection for RAM3+ second station remote microphone with AIS display
Intercom between radio and RAM3+
Voice Scrambler (optional)