‘RheoTune rheometric profiler by yield strength, viscosity to measure the nautical depth. The RheoTune is a versatile system that provides both density as well as yield stress profiles of fluid mud simultaneously to determine the nautical depth. The RheoTune has been designed for rheometric profiles by using both yield strength and viscosity to set the nautical depth. The Rheotune is the Densitune’s successor.
The fact that the RheoTune is pre-calibrated makes it easy and quick to deploy, enabling swift and accurate data acquisition. Designed to deliver density as well as yield stress profiles. Running proprietary software for both acquisition and processing results in a detailed almost real time display of the profile that can be imported into sub–bottom profiling processing suites enabling a full
and comprehensive picture of the fluid mud and its characteristics. To increase productivity further an automated electrical winch or manual light weight winch with slip ring is
available. The Tune system is optimized to integrate with the Silas Seismic Processing.
The RheoTune is the state of the art successor of the DensiTune Silt Density probe, with its proven track record in nautical depth survey worldwide. Ongoing research on the tuning fork response in fluid and semi fluid mud has led to an in-situ measurement system to assess rheological characteristics. These parameters are the direct relevant input for nautical depth assessment and coastal studies. Stema Survey, the specialist in tuning fork silt measurement systems, succeeded to implement the theoretical background into a hands-on measuring device.