The Straatman Berthing Aid System, also known as the Docking Aid System, utilizes the most advanced laser and LED technology. This system measures the distance between the jetty and the side of an approaching vessel using laser technology. The measurements, including distance (both Bow and Aft), speed of approach, and angle, can be viewed on a standard PC as well as on a large LED display. Additionally, this LED display can present other critical parameters such as wind speed, current, wave conditions, and other essential data to ensure safe mooring.
Features lasers
High accuracy, maintenance free lasers (class 1)
Distance 0 - 300 meter
Rail mounting options
Accuracy +/- 2 cm
Optional suitable for zone 1 and 2
Suitable for all weather conditions
Features LED screen
Visible from 300 meters (day-time)
Size 2500x1200x200mm (WxHxD)
Suitable for zone 1 and 2 (EX-D IIB T4 Gb)
PC/PLC-controlled LED screen
LED based
Most cost effective solution in hazardous area