Our General Function Valve Packs are the most compact and lightweight available. Loaded with functionality, solenoid, proportional or mixed valve configurations and driven by a powerful, fully configurable digital control system, these are the perfect choice for ROV and tooling applications.
6, 8, 12 & 16 station versions
Solenoid and/or Proportional Valves
Wandfluh NG3 Valve Reliability
Extremely Compact and Lightweight
Manual or Prop. Pressure Reduction
Externally Adjustable Flow Control
Externally Adjustable Line Relief
Removable/Configurable PO Check Valves
Powerful Serial Control System
Harware or GUI Control with Diagnostics
Pressure Tolerant Electronics
Pressure & Water Ingress Sensors
Fully Captive Cover Screws
Tested to 6,000 metres / 20,000 feet
The small size and weight of these valvepacks are achieved by building most of the functionality directly into the manifold body, thus avoiding many stacking ‘sandwich’ type valves. The heart of the system uses Sub-Atlantic’s unique Flow/PO Check Cartridge that combines a uni-directional flow controller and a pilot operated check valve. Typical operation includes manipulator functioning, adjustable torque tools, pan & tilt units, subsea robotics, etc. The small size and weight of these units make them additionally suitable for smaller electric ROVs where space and payload are at a premium.
The powerful serial control system drives either solenoid or proportional valves and can be independant or integrated into the customers overall control system.