06, 08, 10, 25, 37, 50, 150 Persons TOSR Liferafts (SOLAS A & B PACK)
The SurvitecZodiac range of Throw Over Self-Righting (TOSR) liferafts is of a unique patented design. It meets the latest self-righting requirement introduced for Roll on / Roll off passenger ships. They can either replace existing liferafts on retrofit or be used for new ship building.
Large capacity Throw Over Self Righting for MES
All models: 25, 37, 50 and 150 man are world wide approved and available in SOLAS A pack and B pack. 50 man self righting liferafts are specially designed to be used in conjunction with DBC/SurvitecZodiac Marine Evacuation System (MES).