A compact freewave board for new-school windsurfers who want to have one board forfreeriding, wave sailing, freestyling, and bump-n-jumping. FOR WHO:Windsurfer looking for a compact all-around boardA full quiver in just one board, the 3S is a board to ride in all sea conditions, similar to theall-mountain ski in skiing. The 3S planes fast and easily like a freerider but ismaneuverable enough to carve in the waves and to try freestyle tricks.In 2017, we introduced the new compact 3S. The shorter outline makes turning mucheasier and therefore allowed us to use a straighter rocker, which makes a faster board.The shorter shape also fits better in small cars and boardbags.The 3S uses a double step tail cutout to increase both speed and maneuverability. In astraight line, the cutouts have less wetted surface area and therefore less drag and ahigher top speed. On the rail, the cutouts act like kick tail so that the board turns in amuch tighter radius.