Ultimate submersible connectors with 2 or 4 pins.
Water blocked versions available
Survives high shock environments, such as those found in seismic surveys
Excellent mechanical survivability in extreme environments
Waterproof electrical connectors for high shock extreme applications.
Depth - 300 PSI equivalent(when fully and properly mated)
Operational Temperature - 20° F - 158°F
Mates/Demates - 100
Voltage Rating - 1500 VDC
Current - 8 Amps DC maximum
Contact Resistance - 100mΩ maximum (measured in accordance with procedure EIA-364-06C)
Vibration - 1000g peak
Isolation - 500MΩ at 500 VDC (when measured pin-to-pin or pin-to-shell)
Tensile - 500 lbs axial pull
Diver tools and equipment
High shock, excellent sealing, mechanically tough, compact
Marine deck systems
Compact, mechanically tough, watertight-high pressure wash down survivable, crush resistant
Designed for shallow water superior sealing
High axial load survivability