Tideland Signal has combined its proven solar module and battery self-contained package with the rugged and optically superior Nova-65 LED Lantern. This combination provides a low maintenance and longer-range signal lantern, called SolaNOVA-65.
The SolaNOVA-65 is capable of ranges in excess of 6NM covering a variety of fixed applications. In addition, four vertical divergence options of 5°, 10°, 20° and 30° make it the ideal lantern for fixed structures or buoy applications. Revolutionary optics/Solar power system greatly increase efficiency making the SolaNOVA-65 suitable for northern and low solar radiation applications.
User selectable power setting for visual range
Battery test and charge mode selection without opening the lantern housing (Quick Check)
Seasonal shutdown
Photovoltaic system sized for demanding locations
SignalView software to program user options
Temperature compensated LED drive circuits ensure uniform brightness with ambient temperature change
Available for Class I Division 2 Hazardous Locations
Availability in all IALA approved colors shown here in IALA approved red
Optional GPS synchronization module
256 user selectable flash characters
Full monitor and control capability
Vertical divergence options of 5°, 10°, 20° and 30°