Customized to your requirements
Debris booms are normally custom designed and built to fulfill the customer's requirements. The components are connected together with cable, allowing long spans. This also allows for easy disassembly in any maintenance or debris clean up.
The debris boom consists of Topper Floats with thru rods to hold the unit together. Concrete is added to the section for weight and stability. The amount of concrete can be varied to change the free board of the boom. They are designed with low maintenance and long life in mind. The design life is twenty to twenty-five years, in most cases.
Pricing varies depending on length and environmental requirements.
Access for trash removal can also be provided using the Topper Dock System. The dock can be custom fit around intake screens to give a safe area for your crew.
Safety Dam Barriers
We also build safety barriers used to prevent boaters from entering hazardous areas around the dam and intake structures. There are several designs that allow for easy maintenance and flexibility of operation. Our Floating Sign Buoys can be incorporated in these areas.