Accurate measurement of local site conditions
Hazardous or non hazardous weather Stations
Integrated into Docking & Mooring Systems or as standalone
Terminals are typically designed and operated with set limits for environmental conditions to ensure safety of the vessel and the terminal. Real-time meteorological data and trends assist operators in maximzing their berth’s operating window by providing measurements at the berth. Weather information can be provided to the staff at the berth, at the operations center, or to the vessel.
Trelleborg’s Meteorological Monitoring systems include sensors from the leading instrument manufacturers and are typically compliant with WMO guidelines for accuracy and resolution. Instruments deployed in the marine environment are subject to harsh conditions and as such our experience in equipment selection and deployment techniques ensures rugged, reliable and maintainable systems suitable for the conditions.
These instruments are often integrated with oceanographic instruments to form MetOcean systems.
Wind speed, wind direction and gust
Barometric pressure
Lightning strike
Solar radiation
⮚ Oil & Gas
⮚ Bulk Mineral & Liquid Berths
⮚ Commercial (RoRo, ferry)
⮚ Container terminals
Température -50 to 60°C
Relative Humidity 0 to 100%
Solar Radiation Spectral Range 300 to 1100 nm
Solar Radiation Measuring Range 1400 W/m2
Lightning Détection Number of lightning events
Pressure 300 to 1200 hPa
Wind Direction 0 to 360º
Wind Speed 0 to 30 m/s
0 to 75 m/s (optional)
Area Classification Non-hazardous