Freely rotates around a pile
Requires minimal maintenance
Will not mark ship hulls
Donut Fenders are an effective solution for simple berthing dolphins, guiding and turning structures. The buoyant Donut floats up and down a single tubular pile and freely rotates to help align or redirect ships. The internal casing has long lasting, low-friction bearings which need minimal maintenance. The foam is unsinkable and cannot burst or deflate. The Donut skin is durable polyurethane reinforced with continuous nylon filaments.
Trelleborg's Donut Fenders are custom designed for every application. They can have supplementary buoyancy to present a raised contact face. The body can be additionally protected with rubbing strips to cope with ferry beltings. Bright colours are often used to improve visibility and safety.
Freely rotates around a pile
Rises and falls with water level
Fast to install
Requires minimal maintenance
High performance
Low hull pressures
Will not mark ship hulls
Additional buoyancy tanks to raise fender height
Trim tanks to adjust and trim draft
Various netting options for heavy duty applications
Corner protection
Turning structures
Lead-in jetties
Simple breasting dolphins
Bridge protection