The range of NIBS France’s buoys and floats are designed to optimum shelf life. Their production meets the quality standard ISO 9001. The high-end materials make it a standard of quality guarantee during accostings. The polyolefin polyethylene foam physically reticulated is associated with a coating of resin polyurethane (prepolymer amine Nibraprène®) without solvent, hot sprayed on the polyamide fiber reinforcement “rip stop».
The dimensions, mass and the metal structure are determined depending on the application in flotation. It is important to take into consideration all the parameters of use of the float (wave’s height and swell height, water depth, wind exposure, mass hangman, allowable traction in the axis, characteristics of the ship moored, stability …). Whatever the load to be supported, Design and Technical Department of NIBS France is able to calculate the net buoyancy to be provided (from 100 kg to 40 T). Thus, buoys and floats can contain the following options, according to necessity
It is important to know that all our buoys and floats can be repaired and refurbished in our workshops, so the state of degradation requires. Onsite repair is also possible depending to the operations to be carried out. The range of buoys and floats of NIBS France has a huge variety of products for different types of applications:
Mooring buoys
Buoys “monobloc”
Modular buoys
Anchor buoys
Weighing buoys
Trail floats
Signalling floats
Floats “half shell”
Floating reducers
Chain protection