The VEC PLUS system is certified by DNV in accordance with SOLAS/MED requirements and relevant flag state approvals. Activated - the chute is pulled out of the box and the chute-liferaft will automatically pull the chute into the liferaft when inflating.
Available with either A or B SOLAS emergency pack
Ability to rotate the systems by simply removing containers
Minimum maintenance required
Embarkation heights between 5 and 20 meters above waterline
Ability to evacuate 565 persons within 30 minutes (SOLAS) and 317 persons within 17 minutes (SOLAS-HSC)
Gravity-launched with built-in float free functionality
The VIKING VEC Plus is designed to fit the exact same footprint as VIKING's popular VIKING VEC evacuation systems, and with the same capacity, VIKING VEC Plus won't require changes to the ship and no welding is involved.
Launched with minimal handling
The exceptionally stable VIKING VEC Plus system is launched with minimal handling and requires no extra deployment training. Passengers and crew are protected by a controlled, rapid and safe decent, with ample flexibility to accommodate the movement of both vessel and sea.
SOLAS 74, Reg. III/4 & III/34, as amended by IMO Res. MSC 48(66)
and IMO Res. MSC 81(70)
EC type approval acc. to EC Directive 96/98/EC
SOLAS, IMO, USCG, MCA, EC and other national authorities on demand.