A shrimp trawl with good ground contact
The Vónin Novaja shrimp trawl has the same good ground contact as the Vónin Kodiak, and like its predecessor, performs well on soft grounds, needing relatively little maintenance. This design, however, works on principles of height and spread, giving it more headline height with the same wide opening.
There is minimum tear and wear on the trawl and therefore it requires little maintenance. The Vónin Novaja offers a superb water flow, which will minimize your fuel consumption but also help bring the shrimp smoothly and safely into the codend. This is a two bridle shrimp trawl and it can be used for both single and multi-rig trawling.
Granit is towing a set of three 3200 mesh Novaja trawls made partly in Fortis netting, spread with 16m2 Storm trawl doors.