The DELTA 2 is a computer-controlled automatic power-length measuring device for determining the mesh size in eg. Fishing nets with a certain predetermined force.
The one-hand operation via a graphic display and only three pushbuttons. Here the various prescribed measuring forces can be selected. Measuring sequence number and measurement number assigns the device automatically and can not be manipulated.
By default mesh sizes of 40 to 200 mm can be measured. For mesh sizes from 10 to 300mm in probes are included in the accessories.
Fixed preset forces: 10N; 20N; 50N; 125N.
Optionally, these forces are set free and up to 200N.
The DELTA 2 is kept clean with the sensors in the loop. After starting the length probe moves from long until the set tension is reached. If 2sec this force. pending unchanged, the determined length measurement is displayed. The operator now has the decision od to accept this value. To repeat the measurement. In accepting all of the relevant data is stored and there is an automatic averaging. The internal memory can hold up to 8000 readings. These values can then be transferred etc. along with time, date, measuring point to a computer and displayed in a table.
DELTA 2 is completely battery farms. It has a snooze and automatic shut-off when not in use and is dimensioned such that can be carried out up to 2500 measurements with one battery charge. It comes with a battery charger with four different plug adapters. Thus an international use is ensured