Get the best of both to alert vessels about situation of distress
If a „MAN OVER BOARD“ situation happens, you need to keep the victim in sight. It is essential for his survival.
The easyRESCUE-PRO has been developed based on the well-known and approved AIS S.A.R.T. device easyRESCUE. In addition to the AIS locating functionality, the easyRESCUE-PRO has got another built-in VHF alert: DSC distress call (MOB)
By means of DSC distress call, other vessels having DSC controllers aboard are able to provide support as a potential emergency responder. It‘s a lightweight personal locating device which is fixed to clothing or lifejackets and which can be mounted onto a pole for use on life rafts.
Upon activation, the easyRESCUE-PRO device starts transmitting position reports via AIS, providing the current GPS position along with COG, SOG and its individual unit ID.
The victim‘s position is updated every minute and transmitted 8 times per minute for at least 96 hours, depending on the DSC closed loop distress acknowledgment. Therefore the crew of the ship will know exactly the victim‘s position, as well as every other ship with an AIS receiver or DSC controller within range.