The good looks of the X-382 were obvious from the moment she emerged from the production mould. She was so appealing that the idea was born to create a new racer/cruiser that would perform well under the dominant IMS international handicap rule.
Production Years: 1992 — 2000
Number Built: 92
ded in GRP and aft of the steps is a rigid GRP engine box which slides away to give full access to the 3 cylin-der saildrive engine.
The navigation station is situated above the engine box and provides the yacht’s switch panel and navigation instruments. There is seating both port and starboard of the chart table for the navigator. Outboard of the navigator ’s seats are large hanging lockers, and aft of the nav. station are two fixed berths with canvas pipe cots above (hem. Along the freeboards port and starboard are practical yet attractive PVC pockets in con-trasting colours.
Throughout the interior the workmanship and design is to an exceedingly high standard with a highly finis-hed, light uieight and practical GRP inner liner which intégrâtes halogen spotlights into the deckhead.
Throughout the development of the IMX 38, the key to the project has been to produce the best quality and the most tirneless design, and mainly through extensive development, to set such a standard of design and production that it would be extremely difficult for another production yard tofollow us.
Despite the clear emphasis on performance the IMX 38 is notjust a racing yacht. Hâve a good look doum beloui and you willfind ail the cruising amenities needed to make an extended family cruise in comfort.