Unique 3D Mesh pads
The 3D Mesh pads provides perfect comfort regardless of the depth.
In contrast with pads made from foam, the 3D Mesh does not compress under the pressure. This means, at any depth the 3D Mesh stays soft and does not have positive buoyancy. Therefore, you do not need to carry extra weight during your dives.
Double-part weight pockets
This scuba diving harness is delivered with very durable double-part weight pockets.
The double-part pockets have several advantages: the risk of unpredictable loss of weight is much lower than with standard pockets, and the weight is easier and safer to handle. While getting onto the boat you can take it out safely and pass it to the crew.
Steel or aluminium backplate
The XDEEP harness can be ordered both with aluminium and with stainless steel backplate.
You can decide if you prefer the heavier backplate made of stainless steel or the lightweight backplate made of anodized aluminium, if you travel frequently.