PWR 24AMP is a DC-DC 24VDC converter with a programmable integrated microprocessor used to supply the Yachtica modules electronic, provided with 4 sectionable and protected ports. The module allows to supply correctly the modules of the Yachtica system thanks to its proper electrical features, tailored for this purpose. The 4 EasyBUS ports accomplish the control of the wired ports in order to protect them in case of wrong wiring or damages in the electrical plant itself, isolating the interested port through relay and make a damage warning through the Cabot programming and monitoring software and the signaling LED on board the module.
EasyBUS Power Supply Module 24 VDC
EasyBUS 24VDC DC-DC Converter
4 Sectionable EasyBUS Ports
Independent Protection on the EasyBUS outputs
DIN Rail Mounting
Detachable Terminal Blocks
Conformal coating treatment