The extremely robust and powerful Power Rotary Tool is designed specifically for reliable, economical cutting of challenging materials. The materials that can be processed with this tool range widely, from hard fiberglass to extremely tough aramid fibers. Choice of 3 RPM settings (to 100%, 75%, 50% of the maximum). This permits cutting very tough materials as well as those with low melting points.
Positive air pressure protects against dust and debris from e.g. carbon fiber, while also cooling the motor.
Use of rotary blades reduces drag on the material
Choice of 3 RPM levels
Low-impact processing of materials with low melting points
Clean, precise cuts and high throughput
Compatible with G3, D3
Textiles of all kinds
Suitable for cutting with the PRT is a range of materials, including fiberglass and aramid. The tool can be set at 3 different rpm levels, i.e. at 100%, 75%, or 50% of the maximum. This allows for cleanly cutting tough materials as well as those with lower melting points.
The PRT consists of a cutting assembly and a connector unit; it inserts into the Universal
Module UM-60.
Pressurized air keeps the cutting assembly free of residual fibers and other debris and
also cools the motor. Tooth-belt driven, segmented rotary blades serve as cutting tools
and are user-exchangeable. To guard against overheating, the temperature of the tool is
monitored continually.
The cutter displays an error message if temperature levels exceed safe limits. This makes the PRT ideal for industrial applications that may require prolonged usage in multiple shifts.