Karver friction rings

1 company | 6 products
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sailboat low friction ring
sailboat low friction ring
KR series

Low-friction rings have been a staple in deck equipment for several years for their versatility, compactness, weight and price. They are real assets for performance and comfort.

See the other products
Karver Systems
sailboat low friction ring
sailboat low friction ring

Low friction KRO6 open ring. Max passage 6 mm. The passage is optimized to pass the line with light force and to prevent it from exiting during use. This open ring allows the furling ...

See the other products
Karver Systems
sailboat low friction ring
sailboat low friction ring

Low friction KRO8 open ring. Passage max 8 mm. The passage is optimized to pass the line with light force and to prevent it from exiting during use. This open ring allows the furling ...

See the other products
Karver Systems
sailboat low friction ring
sailboat low friction ring

Low friction KRO10 open ring. Passage max 10 mm. The passage is optimized to pass the line with light force and to prevent it from exiting during use. This open ring allows the furling ...

See the other products
Karver Systems
sailboat low friction ring
sailboat low friction ring

Low friction KRO12 open ring. Passage max 12 mm. The passage is optimized to pass the line with light force and to prevent it from exiting during use. This open ring allows the furling ...

See the other products
Karver Systems
sailboat friction ring
sailboat friction ring
KRT series

A complete line of machined titanium rings. We can produce them per your specs on demand.

See the other products
Karver Systems
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