Vetus 12 V marine batteries

1 company | 3 products
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12 V marine battery
12 V marine battery

Load capacity: 60 Ah - 170 Ah
Height: 190, 223 mm
Width: 175, 223, 189 mm

To get the boat moving, energy is needed. For electric propulsion instead of a tank, filters, hoses, etc, a battery bank with a nominal voltage of 48VDC is required. VETUS offers a selection of AGM deep-cycle ...

12 V marine battery
12 V marine battery
VESMF series

Load capacity: 60 Ah - 220 Ah
Height: 175, 242, 223, 230, 220 mm
Width: 223, 189, 276, 175 mm

VETUS batteries are designed to take the varying seasonal demands of boating into consideration. Batteries will mostly be unused during the winter months, so our batteries have a minimal ...

12 V marine battery
12 V marine battery
VEAGM series

Load capacity: 60 Ah - 220 Ah
Height: 190, 230, 223, 242 mm
Width: 175, 189, 223, 274 mm

... electrolyte in these batteries is absorbed by glassfiber mat separators between the battery plates. This means that in normal usage, the battery cannot leak. Even if the battery ...

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