About Us
GMP is the European leading specialist manufacturer of flatwork ironers for OPL, commercial and small/medium industrial laundry segments.
Founded in 1946, the company began specializing in manufacturing ironers in the early 80s.
GMP offers the widest choice of flatwork ironers in Europe, providing dedicated ironing solutions to meet the worldwide demands of the most various business segments, from commercial to industrial:
-restaurants and bars
-oil rigs
-shipboard laundries
-self-service laundries
-tailor industry
In the world, GMP is present in more than 80 countries with a capillary distribution network.
GMP constantly monitors field statistics and gathers inputs from the market, studying new solutions and testing the most modern materials to increase machinery efficiency for the maximum customer benefits.
5 international patents cover innovative solutions, which have often represented evolution steps for the whole industry.
Reliability and distinctive quality are the basic points GMP research&development department looks at when developing new projects.
Because this is the most concrete way to demonstrate our customers are important for us.
Our values