JV Technoton

About Us

Technoton was established in April 2000 and started with development and manufacture of GPS tracking devices, fuel level sensors and fuel flow meters. Soon we focused on solving tasks of fuel consumption measurement and fuel usage monitoring, safe CANbus data reading and analysis.

Now, our core business is development and production of sensors, electronics and embedded software for automotive industry, water and rail transportation, staionary machinery and fuel storages. We supply after-market as well as OEM solutions for vehicle manufacturers.

Our mission is to increase efficiency of machinery operation on the background of rising fuel costs and maintenance expenses, growing complexity of automotive design and operation conditions.

Technoton's major product lines are:

- capacitive fuel level sensors for diesel, inlcuding level sensors for IIoT applications employing wireless data trasnfer technologies (GSM, BLE);

- fuel flow meters for diesel fuel and mineral oil, from 1 to 25,000 liter/hour flow;

- On-board teleamtics units for data gathering and processin using edge/fog computing technologies;

- contactless CAN bus data readers, I/O modules with analog and CAN j1939/S6 inputs/outputs;

- CANbus data processing and analysis tools.

Our values

1. Communication and intercation with our consumers and partners.

2. Profound knowledge in the field of automotive electronics.

3. Product development from a junction of technologies, ideas and approaches.

3. Thorougness in product design, development, production and integration.

4.Continuous training and professional growth of our team members.

Our International Locations