About Us
For more than 20 years, we have been designing & manufacturing, handling, cradling & storing material for nautical industry.
Thanks to the recognized qualities of our products, by professionals of the nautical sector :
- Versatility
- Profitability
- Ergonomics
- Ease of use
- Reliability
- & Robustness,
Nautipark, has become a leading actor in France.
Dedicating 10% of its turnover each year to Research & Development, Nautipark is a hub of creative engineering for the nautical industry.
We bring together a multidisciplinary team, including marina developpers, sailors, engineers and industrialists, to create innovative solutions in boat handling.
Boat handling and cradling is demanding work, so we demand the same of our engineers : to create safe and effective equipment for everyday use.
Improving your working conditions is important yo us, so we design our products to be ergonomic and so easi-to-use that they can be operated a single person, with no need for extra tooling.
Our values
Nautipark values and attaches a lot of importance to its people and the power of a team. The company finds its creativity and efficiency in the taste for a job well done, commitment and the desire to progress.
Challenged by the power of the team, innovation and in-field expertise, Nautipark is convinced that a global adapted solution, integrating notions of performance, comfort, adaptability and safety will revolutionize its users’ everyday life.
Our aim : provide you high added value tools for Cradling, Handling, Storing Boats.