About Us
NODUS FACTORY, manufacturer of innovative fittings, accessories and equipment for sailboats and motorboats, certified products & Made In France.
At Nodus Factory, we design and manufacture innovative 4.0 textile rigging products using reliable, high-performance materials: Dyneema®, Vectran®, Technora® and biosourced or agro-sourced polymers.
Textile deck fittings & accessories: shackles, carabiners, loops, hanging systems, glue-on padeyes, glue-on spinners, opening pulleys, friction rings and pulleys, Nub...
Ropes: halyards, sheets, surge lines, multi-purpose ropes, bungee cords, mooring lines... for sailing, water sports and leisure.
Ready-to-quilt halyards, sheets, mooring lines and lines.
Accessories for seamanship and on-board comfort: locking ring, garcette, rings, comfort cushion, adjustable straps...
Our values
Nodus Factory « local distribution channel and proximity » !
Innovate your rigging, Node your Ropes!
Build our future, to face this unprecedented context.
Our Nodusfactory-Sail 2021 catalogue is designed for an interactive use and will drive your choices.
Link: www.calameo-Nodusfactory-sail
Our online-shop, Nodusfactory-Store is offering you the Nodus products for sale, but also additional products from our business partners, for which we developed textile solutions in Dyneema Nodex®. A technical call center is also available.
Link: www.nodusfactory.com
In Europe, our distributors are taking advantage of the expertise of the Nodusfactory-Sail team, our communication mediums and our customized recommendations, to ensure we provide you the best customer service.
Link: https://www.nauticexpo.fr/prod/nodus-factory-66050.html
Worldwide, we are creating local collecting points in order to provide you fast and satisfy your needs.
Link: https://www.nauticexpo.fr/prod/nodus-factory-66050.html
Our team’s main purpose is and will always be to provide you with efficient, secured and reliable textile solutions.
Developped and manufactured in France, our innovations are tested and certified by the Bureau Véritas.
Thank you for the trust you placed in us,
Fair winds and following seas !