SafetyNet Technologies
About Us
We develop Precision Fishing technology to help commercial fishermen catch their target species more consistently and sustainably. For more details, visit https://sntech.co.uk/
About our products:
- CatchCam is an underwater video camera that allows commercial fishermen to record their gear in action during fishing operations. Click the link below to learn more: https://sntech.co.uk/products/catchcam/
It is a sturdy device that can be attached to trawl nets, creel pots and other fishing gear to record videos and improve performance accordingly.
- Pisces LED Light is a light-emitting device that attracts the fish fishermen mean to catch, and repels the ones they don’t. This increases the sustainability of commercial fishing by increasing selectivity and reducing bycatch.
- Enki is an underwater environment sensor. While currently on trial, this device will help fishermen better understand the underwater environment and how it is affecting their catch.
For more details, visit https://sntech.co.uk/
Our values
The ultimate goal of Precision Fishing is to take the uncertainty out of fishing. Using a variety of innovative solutions, we can better understand the ocean, fish stocks and improve the selectivity of fishing gear. As a result, fishers can be sure that they get the results they want each time they cast their nets.