About Us
As manufacturer, SEA TECH and FUN possesses the exclusive exploitation of SPADE and SKREW certificates.
June, 2007.
Sea Tech and Fun created its European platform in the South of France, in Arcs-sur-Argens (East Var). It was the birth of Sea Tech and Fun Europe, closer to its customers and for granted, faster.
May, 2008.
To diversify its offer to the boaters and with the wish to answer the growing needs for ecological anchorages, our company recreated totally anchors Skrew from the simple sketch of an screw anchor.
November, 2009.
The demands of the sailors became more numerous, more and more pressing on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Our company went on the field and opened Sea Tech and Fun in Palm Bay, in Florida.
Our values
Quality, after-sales service, push technology... Again and again, Sea Tech and Fun shows that its anchors are not only the best, but that they find quite naturally their place on the premium market.