About Us
More than 15 years , the idea of Patrick Bardon - CEO of Sealver - began to emerge: while he dreamed of being able to share his passion for PWC with his family, he imagined this innovative concept of a boat propelled by a Jet-ski. After 3 years of research & development , the first units were manufactured.
While the first Wave Boat was manufactured by subcontract the CEO Patrick Bardon took over the production in 2012 on the site based in Sanguinet. It then widens its range to 15 models, with rigid or semi-rigid hull for professional or particular.
Thanks to its intellectual property and experience in the manufacture of these unique boats, Sealver has exported the Wave Boat in more than 50 countries: Germany, Australia, Japan, Mali, Peru ... The SME from Arcachon’s bay export its Local know-how worldwide.
The company caught straight away the interest of the public but also from the professionals of maritime rescue thanks to his Pro range
Our values
The Wave Boat by Sealver is all about sharing great times with your familly and friends.
We want to share with our customers a brand new experience based on the sharing, the family and the adrenaline.
Sealver it is the end of lonely rides, it it the end of the hard choice: Boat or jetski, chill or performance.
Sealver, it the best of both worlds.