About Us
In 2015, a group of investors with environmental and sustainability concerns, made it possible to gather the financial and material conditions for the start-up of the Sun Concept, which was born out of the bet on the ergonomics of industrial hull design and the growing ecological orientation of the markets, in combination with extensive experience in shipbuilding and design.
Sun Concept is focused on the manufacture of recreational and professional vessels with electro solar propulsion.
The SUN is our energy!
Our vessels offer superior technical and environmental efficiency.
Without spilling oils in the waters they sail, without producing exhaust fumes that harm the environment, without causing noise pollution and without consuming fossil fuels they sail in perfect harmony with Nature, even in protected places.
Sun Concept directs its development to the manufacture of recreational and professional boats with electro solar propulsion, responding to the needs identified in specific market segments.
Desired by the recreational market it has the recognition for its efficiency and maximum economical viability by the commercial and professional market (tourism and fishing).
Until today and on a global scale, no other yard has presented a similar product, especially when the price/quality ratio factor is met.
Sun Concept is a shipbuilding company specializing in the development, manufacture and sale of electro solar boats, an innovative concept from all perspectives.
Our mission is to develop and manufacture non-polluting and energy autonomous boats at competitive prices and economically viable, in order to implement and expand in a relevant way their commercialization in the markets of nautical recreation, maritime tourism activities, river transport and professionals, ensuring full satisfaction of customers, suppliers, employees and the optimization of results for shareholders.
Sun Concept - Solar Boat Builders is the only sustainable shipyard in Portugal and, at this moment, one of the few in the world.
Our values
It is strategic and non-negotiable to provide high standards of quality, habitability, autonomy and speed of travel appropriate for the use of vessels placed on the market and to promote the reduction of the use of polluting materials in their construction, to ensure the satisfaction of customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and stakeholders.
In short, Sun Concept is:
- in product - in the adaptation of better sustainable energy systems, in the use of materials with less ecological footprint (organic materials), in design and habitability
- in production processes - in the improvement of the collaborators safety, in the operational ergonomics, in the tooling adequacy and in the fluidity and quality of work
- in systematization - in the use of management technology that allows systematizing production processes gaining efficiency and effectiveness in the use of technical, human and material resources
- implement good practices of work organization and continuous improvement.
Act in strict compliance with legislation, ethical requirements, good practices, responsibility and interpersonal respect.
To mark the difference in our external and internal relations guaranteeing the quality of the suppliers' products and services, providing greater value to our products and services, clearly fulfilling our commitments with our customers.
In recognition of our employees' individual results, promoting training opportunities, and rewarding them according to clear and uniform criteria regarding their contribution to the organization's success.
Responsibility is a learning that any human being acquires over the years through their practice. More than an obligation, it is a competence, a quality of responding wisely for their individual and social acts. To value responsibility is to enhance its continuous improvement, as people and as professionals.
Taking into consideration the capacity of others, it is one of the most difficult skills in interpersonal relationships. Respect is a fundamental two-way requirement in human relations. Taking into consideration those around us it is the first step to receive the same kind of behavior in return. Respecting colleagues, collaborators, managers, suppliers, clients and society in general it is a principle of citizenship and a good practice that promotes our identity and integrity and makes us better people and consequently better professionals, both individually and as a team..