About Us
For 35 years, torbo ENGINEERING KEIZERS GmbH has been setting the standard worldwide with which wet abrasive blasting devices have to compete.
We developed and patented the concept. Our expertise, technical innovations, and practical experience flow into our new developments. torbo wet abrasive blasting equipment: Engineering services Made in Germany. We guarantee a degree of quality that pays off in hard everyday use thanks to its reliability and durability.
Information about the most common applications can be found here. If you have any questions or would like a demonstration, we would be happy to advise you personally. Give us a call or send us an email.
Our values
ADVICE and ENGINEERING are of the utmost importance to us!
The patented torbo technology and the quality seal "Made in Germany" guarantee a high degree of functionality, longevity, and cost efficiency.
With the virtually dust-free torbo blasting process (not to be confused with wet sand blasting), torbo meets the highest standards of precise and specific cleaning performance. Regardless of the surface condition or the starting material.
Surface treatment with the torbo system ranges from monument preservation,
to the cleaning of facades, to the elimination of fire damage and heavy renovation.
Whether natural stone, concrete, or a wide variety of types of steel, metal, and wood, the torbo technology is at home on various surfaces.
- both gentle and strength-adjustable! Even tough cases such as osmosis and corrosion (rust), graffiti, or old coats of paint are easily removed.
The torbo system is therefore successfully used worldwide in the oil and gas industry, in the monument preservation, for the cleaning of facades and graffiti, in the repair and maintenance of ships and boats alike by companies, cities, and municipalities, to name just a few.