Tornado Boats
About Us
At Tornado Boats we design and manufacture the world's toughest RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat). Unique design features. 100% customized. Made from the best materials available.

Our values
With over 40 years at the forefront of product innovation Tornado Boats is one of the world's most recognized brands in the field of the rigid hull inflatable boats (RIB/RHIB). The wide range of Tornado Boats, from small tenders to larger passenger boats are in use around the world with Commercial users, Government Departments, Military Applications, The Tourist Industry, Dive Clubs and Private User. At Tornado we design and manufacture the worlds toughest RIB. Strong, durable boats that have unique design features to accommodate many uses and inspire confidence when being used in all kinds of weather - all year round - in the Polar Ice in Greenland or under the southern hemisphere sun.