About Us
While preparing the Vendée Globe in 2008, Yannick Bestaven, a racing experienced skipper and enterprising mind person, decided to leave this adventure following its firm convictions. It is therefore at the helm of the ex-Aquitaine Innovations from Yves Parlier, that Yannick challenged to make his boat lighter, increasing its performances and making a priority in using renewable energy. While he was working on this project, Yannick met Matthieu Michou, engineer, perfectionist and passionate, specialized in marine electricity. From their work together will result the very first Watt&Sea hydrogenerator ! In August 2009, they created together Watt&Sea company !
Our values
Watt&Sea designs, makes and markets a new generation of hydrogenerators since 2009. The aim is to allow cruising and racing boats to get enough electricity to meet their energy needs on board. Watt&Sea hydrogenerators have totaly change the way sailors manage their electricity on board, minimizing their diesel engine dependence. They allow cruising boats to become energy self-sufficient ! Validated on all seas around the globe, they are the most powerful, reliable and the lightest available on the market.
Watt&Sea hydrogenerators have most notably been adopted by sailors on the Vendée Globe 2016, and validated on the next Volvo Ocean Race starting in October 2017 !